Sunday, July 19, 2009


Sunday Reflection: On Receiving Gifts

The picture above depicts my sister, Kathy, receiving a chocolate chip cookie from my brother, Bill. We were re-creating a classic Osler home movie, "The Hand," in which my sister, then 3, sits on the beach. Periodically, a hand enters the frame from the left and hands her a chocolate chip cookie. The film then shows her eating the cookie until "the hand" enters the scene with another cookie. How long was this movie? Oh, about eight cookies.

Real gifts are like that. They enter our lives from a caring hand, and are given freely. Some people, though, really struggle with receiving gifts. They fuss about how much it costs, or how much trouble it was, all of which obscures any actual gratitude.

Giving freely of what we have (to those close to us and to those who are not) is part of the Christian imperative. Repeatedly, Christ stressed this ethic of charity. But what about those who receive? What is their moral duty?

One duty is gratitude. Another may be an honest recognition that what is received was given, not earned. That is not a denigration of the gift, simply a fact.

What is the right way to receive a gift?

With a sincere thank you!
I agree with Christine and would add that both tangible and intangible gifts should be received with the gratitude you mention and with the grace of acceptance. Giving is better than receiving as we have all been taught but having your gift received is the "icing on the cake." Thank you for such an insightful post on a topic that hits home for many - at least it does for me.
You know if I have ever been given a wonderful gift be it a material thing or maybe some advice or a piece of infromation or siethon or whatever it is? I try to be very very grateful and to appreciate it BUT also? If later on I can do that same thing for another person? I try to do that.

12 years ago my friend Diane introduced me to this weird guy named Bill. Luthier Bill. We hit it off got married and the rest is hostory.

there was a girl I used to babysit that I grew up next door to and I recently found out that she was single and I was astonished that no one had "snatched her up." I told her about this other guy I went to HS with and I introduced them and I am pretty sure they are getting married! So I sort of paid it forward. I never would have met Bill without my friend Diane. These two would have never ever crossed paths without me.

If someone helps you put tremendously sometimes you can never even repay them for all they have done for you but you CAN do that same thing for someone else.
I agree with Christine and would add that both tangible and intangible gifts should be received with the gratitude you mention and with the grace of acceptance.



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I just wish that you would leave us without the gift of spam, Vince.

And on a Sunday Reflection, too. Tut, tut.


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