Thursday, July 02, 2009


The Top Five Tests (in terms of importance to lawyers)

in terms of importance of result:

1) Bar exam
3) Torts
4) Property
5) SAT

the bottom five:

122) Any facebook quiz
123) Organic chem
124) Math

Ha ha ha, the bottom "five"
...math...ha ha. Too cute!
This made me smile.

I'd say SAT was most important, then LSAT, then the Bar Exam. More important, your parents' (or your if you are paying for school) credit score.

The thing about the Bar Exam is that you don't have to have a high score, you just have to pass. And if you fail the first time, so long as you do pass, you're done.

But a low score on the SAT or LSAT can cripple a person for life. Even if he or she takes the test again, that low score is still on the PERMANENT RECORD.
1. Pass
2. Low
3. Shameful.
4. Cringeworthy
5. Decent enough

122. Mu.
123. Nicht verstehen.
124. Funny story. A judge asked a courtroom of lawyers here the other day to calculate dates. All lawyers present gave conflicting answers. It was the defendant, working in his head, that got it correct. Math is wicked sorcery.
If you are trying Bernie Madoff isn't math at least a little bit important?

If you are trying drug crimes isn't organic chemistry at least a little bit impoirtant.

I personally think that SAT/ACT/ACH's would be the top. If yo can't get into college then the rest are not relevant.
i hope torts isn't too important. i did awful. not so hot on property either. those two are sore subjects for me.
Torts was one of my best classes and one of the ones I cared the least about.
Never took the SAT so I don't know what is involved with that. The ACT was a cake walk though.
I think with BLS, PC results are probably second to the bar.
I liked math, I think maybe this is a sign that I should look to change my career path.
With regard to drug crimes, I think the most important thing is probably that you can read the result sent back from SWIFS.
Math is probably the most useful subject in terms of analytical thinking. Also, there is research that seems to disagree with your assertions on 3 and 4.
What about Foreign Languages?

Don't lawyers need to know important phrases in different languages such as:

"Where is the library?"
"What Time is it?"
"Would you like some butter?"
Most important tests:

1. Blood
2. Litmus
3. Iowa Basics
4. Road
5. Genetic


139. SAT
140. GRE
141. LSAT
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