Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Steel Studies 1 & 2

I kind of like it.
Art is found where the eye takes it.
I like what I see, but is it one object or two? How did you make them?

It is a matte steel wall, with natural light reflected off of a gold surface to the left. You can see the full view in the picture above today's post. They are slightly different studies of the same subject.
Is this a "monolith from 2001" thing? Because you seem into that all of a sudden, which indicates some new influence in your life which has made you sentient and capable of using simple tools. So, congratulations on that!
It would be more interesting if someone or something was placed against that wall.
Prof - If you haven't been alrealdy, you should really consider visiting Marfa and the Big Bend area before you leave Texas.
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