Thursday, March 10, 2011


Political Mayhem Thursday: Libya

It's becoming clear that Libya is sinking into an extended civil war, with the Qaddafi regime propped up by huge hoards of cash and the rest of the world standing on the sidelines.

What should we do?

Why not do a no-fly zone, at least?
It may take some time, but I believe we will send troops, blow up some cities and do what we have always done. That is if Hollywood and the White House agree.
No-Fly zone? If the US leads that charge that is tantamount to an act of war (bombing Libya). It would be better for NATO or the UN to lead that charge and the US participate.
Agreed with Christine here -- we should do little but diplomatically urge African and possibly European/NATO partners to create a no-fly zone, support the rebels, support the refugees.

Staying out of all the rebellions in the Middle East is one of the best decisions Obama has made. Getting involved in Libya especially will only help recruit people for Al Qaeda.
The United States cannot afford to get bogged down in another out-of-the-way desert country. Two is plenty. Whatever we do, we have to do under the Aegis of NATO.

However, as Sudan has shown, supranational organizations cannot really fix somebody's civil war if they're seriously determined to have one. I think we stay out and then shake hands with the winners.
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