Thursday, May 12, 2011


Blogger malfunction!

Sadly, something went really wrong with Blogger (the Google network which hosts this blog). I was unable to enter anything for the past day or so, and for some reason it erased Political Mayhem Thursday. We'll see if they fix it...

i think it's because blogger, therefore google, is racist.
No, it's because Blogger, and therefore Google, is French.
i for one am glad yesterday is gone,erased,vanished finito was not a good day pour moi. think I'll go to the convention grill and have some french fries and perk up.
I think my Thursday comment crashed the Blogger system. I clicked Publish your comment and it was GONE.

I wrote something about the 5,000 lb elephant in the room; common courtesy of my fellow man regardless of race, ethnicity or religion..... As hard as we try not to racist, there will always be something deep inside us that prevents us from totally eliminating it from our inner self. We are flawed and can only try our best to be better than these flaws; sometimes despite our best efforts we will fail.

Finally, you will know when it is the right time to bring the 5,000 lb elephant into the conversation about drugs.
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