Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Radio waves

On Monday, I was driving home from work and listening to my favorite NPR show, which is "On Point with Tom Ashbrook."  They were talking about college, and specifically the Ivy League, when "Mary from San Antonio" called in.  I knew right away that it was Mary Darden-- and it was.  She made the best point of all, about the need to teach in a way that allows for joy and feeling.  I sat in the car quietly thinking about that.  It wasn't so odd that Mary was on the radio (I've been on that show myself), but the fact that I heard her familiar, wise voice right there.

It's like that sometimes.  I turned the channel and heard this:

It's a song that means something to me, as I have written here before.   How can you not love this?

Running to the door [Pips: Running to the door]
Peeping at the window [Pips: Peeping at the window]
Hoping to see… only you.
Listenin’ for the phone [Pips: Listenin’ for the phone]
Checkin’ out the time [Pips: Checkin’ out the tic-toc]
Counting every second down,
Hear me now…. 5,4,3,2,1!

It's a big, small beautiful world, and fall is coming.

I missed Mary Darden? Why did that have to be the day I was taking my son to Baylor!
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